Partners for a Global

Management of Suffering

Last update: 2024-04-22

We, Partners, hope to solve the age-old problem of suffering by implementing a new specialty that approaches it as a technical management task.

Our activity focuses on regulating, on an overall level, the occurrences of consciousness that are unpleasant with the aim of optimally minimize those occurrences that we consider “too” unpleasant.  

We started our systematic work in this direction on November 25, 2023.

The first thing we are doing is operating Partners for a Global Management of Suffering as a structure for us to come together and carry out our work. 

The second thing we are doing is keeping up-to-date a book, titled Our Action Plan About Suffering, to identify and coordinate what we do together.

Everything else we do is a continuation of these two actions: see What We Are Doing, in Brief.

Because the global management undertaken here with very little means requires new scientific knowledge and highly organized teamwork, we hope our work will be taken over as soon as possible by the creation of a “World Institute for the Study of Suffering” and a “Headquarters for the Management of Suffering in the World”. Indeed, these two institutions appear indispensable for the world to emerge from its endless history of awful suffering, as they would enable people and organizations dedicated to the alleviation of suffering to reach unprecedented effectiveness by working as part of a truly global collaboration.

In the expression “a Global Management of Suffering” : 

We regard our field of work as a specialty, whose object of interest is the phenomenon of suffering itself and not what comes under the purview of other fields of expertise such as healthcare, economics, ethics, law, etc. Arguably, work concerning suffering in any of these other fields does not have suffering as its primary object of concern, but rather health (illness), wealth (poverty), the good (the bad), the right (crime), etc. We can use what these fields do to carry out our management, and vice-versa (other fields can use what we do), but let us all be careful not to confuse the different specialties, which are always concerned first and foremost with their own specific object.

Our organization has three Core Online Workspaces:

This initiative is open to all. See About Us/Contact to get in touch and eventually participate.

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